On 07/12/2011, at 5:37 PM, Robin Burchell wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:28 AM, Jeff Mitchell <q...@jefferai.org> wrote:
>> At Qt Contributor Day in SF I talked to Alexandra Leisse about
>> MediaWiki. Specifically, she hates MediaWiki, and I suggested moving to
>> Confluence, as it's a much, much, much, much nicer wiki than MediaWiki,
> I think this is a tiny bit overly hasty, considering we already have
> someone who has started to help get MediaWiki into shape for us.
> I'm also not the world's greatest fan of open projects tying
> themselves to tooling with commercial/restrictive licenses. Qt already
> has this to some degree, and it's something I'm not overly keen to see
> expand without very good reason.

Without entering into the "which is better" debate, Confluence can be used for 
free for open source projects, so I don't think the commercial/restrictive 
comment is a fair one in this case. It really isn't any less relevant than any 
other wiki implementation based on licensing/price. The fact that Qt already 
uses JIRA for which Confluence is well integrated (they are from the same 
vendor) means that this really should at least be given consideration.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

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