Given Jedrzej's recent post on QMetaType, it sounds like there are people 
looking at QMetaType in a bit more detail at the moment. That being the case, 
I'd appreciate a few more opinions on QTBUG-15313 which I believe was closed 
prematurely. The brief version is that I suggested that the documented 
requirements on types that can be used with QMetaType are tighter than they 
need to be. The current requirements are that types have a copy constructor, 
but as explained in the JIRA issue, simply being clonable would be enough in a 
useful set of cases. Similarly, the requirement for a public default 
constructor and destructor can also be relaxed. Because Qt needs to preserve 
binary compatibility from version to version, there are aspects of the 
implementation which, although not documented, are effectively part of the 
public API because they could not change without breaking binary compatibility. 
The JIRA issue merely asks for some of those things to be documented as part of 
the pu
 blic API, specifically the qMetaTypeConstructHelper() and 
qMetaTypeDeleteHelper() template functions in the same way that 
qRegisterMetaType() is already documented.

Anyone willing to re-open discussion on that JIRA issue? Seems like little 
downside but definitely some upside.

Dr Craig Scott
Computational Software Engineering Team Leader, CSIRO (CMIS)
Melbourne, Australia

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