On 10.1.2012 19.04, "Oswald Buddenhagen" <oswald.buddenha...@nokia.com>

>On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:57:35AM +0000, ext shane.kea...@accenture.com
>> My view is the workflow should look like this:
>i agree, except with the first point:
>> 1. author submits change to the version they normally work on (4.8 or
>no, the author starts his submission against qt5 (irrespective what he
>actually started with). we do not want to get (even further) into the
>situation where commits are missing from qt5, so a clear "qt5 first"
>policy is needed. only exception are changes which are clearly not
>applicable to qt5 (primarily because a platform was dropped).

At least for the pending 4.8 merge requests we definetely want to first
push them to 4.8 in gerrit.

But we will push these also to Qt 5, of course we want it to contain these
fixes as well. We plan to do this after the review is done and we know if
the fix is accepted.

Later on we can of course push to Qt 5 first, if the fix is relevant for
Qt 5.



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