Hi all.

I prepared the first to review QtSerialPort addon, which relates to the 
configuration documentation, and spelling in English.

The project itself is here:

$ git clone ssh://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/playground/qtserialport.git

The review itself is here:


The structure of the documentation is not complete and not yet stabilized.
I still just need to prepare a sample form and pattern of this documentation.

I am also interested in the question: How to correct make qdocconf, that a QDoc 
correctly picks up the description of a virtual (or overloaded) methods of Qt?

For example, the SerialPort class inherits from QIODevice. I'm doing for the 
SerialPort re-implement some virtual methods from QIODevice.
And I need to make, that these methods from QIODevice (as well as himself 
QIODevice, it signals, etc.), linked to the documentation for the QtSerialPort.

Help me please someone if you have free time in this matter.

Best regards,
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