Here are my notes from the QWidgets session on June 22th, 2012, 11:30 

  - Great interest in QtWidgets
  - Code base actively ported to Qt 5, far from dead.
  - Present company considering maintainership

Candidates for new widgets
  - Breadcrumb navigation
  - Progress spinner
  - Make use of KDE Frameworks 5
     + Clear button in QLineEdit
     + URL button, etc.
  - Check out widget galleries from other toolkits
  - Be aware of platform-specific IP protection

Help with migration from Qt 3/4 to 5
  - Desktop QML components (using QStyle)
  - Wrap QWidgets in QML container element
  - Educate developers about UI/backend separation
  - Converter of .ui files to QML?

Open Issues
  - Regressions in QGraphicsView
  - Fixes needed for Mac OS X Lion
  - Investigate Windows 8 Metro
  - Get message out about QWidgets being alive

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