On 28.08.2012 19:27, marius.storm-ol...@nokia.com wrote:
> On 28/08/2012 12:16, ext Peter Kümmel wrote:
>> I've tried to build qtbase
>> 1. on Windows 7
>> 2. rubenvb's mingw-w64:
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/files/Toolchains%20targetting%20Win32/Personal%20Builds/rubenvb/gcc-4.7-release/
>> 3. in Windows shell cmd.exe
>> 4. as shadow build with ..\qtbase\configure.bat -fast -nomake demos -nomake 
>> examples -release
>> It copies the headers and starts to build configure.exe but after compiling 
>> three files
>> it starts to links and complains about missing .o files.
>> Have I missed something or is building with mingw in cmd.exe not supported?
> This is not your fault, it's the rubenvb release which is broken, as the
> GNU Make tool provided is not properly splitting the file paths. Thus,
> mingw32-make is trying to stat the wrong files and cannot find all the
> files required.
> If you're feeling adventurous, I've found that you can do a binary patch
> by simply replacing the pattern 0x003a3b00 with 0x003b3b00 in
> mingw32-make.exe, and it should do the path splitting correctly and find
> the required files.
> Note that this is just a work-around, and Ruben will have to correct the
> way he cross-compiles the MinGW tools.
> See
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3545000&group_id=202880&atid=983354
> for details.

Ahh thanks.

But also jom fails, I thought jom could also handle mingw makefiles?

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