I've been looking at the implementation of QMutex (et al), via woboq, ie 
http://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/thread/qmutex.cpp.html.  (nice 
work on the code viewer, by the way!)

I'm wondering if there isn't a subtle race condition in lockInternal() at line 

358                 if (!d->ref())
359                     continue; //that QMutexData was already released

In the case where you pick up the d_ptr that was allocated by another thread - 
how do you know that d is still valid?

IIUC, d comes from the freelist, so it is probably never actually an invalid 
pointer, but how do you know that:

1 this mutex was locked by another thread
2 this mutex  was unlocked by that (or yet another) thread
3 the d_ptr was released
4 the released pointer was recycled into another mutex via the freelist
5 then line 358 runs.

ie d->ref() passes, but 'd' is for the wrong mutex?

By the way, as a bit of background about me:
- I work at RIM (as the email address probably notes), as a Senior Developer on 
- I've done a fair bit of lock-free work and research, see, for example, 
BoostCon talks (http://boostcon.boost.org , 
http://www.youtube.com/user/BoostCon/ )
(so I *think* I understand the code, but admit that I may have missed 
something, which is always easy in lockfree)


P.S. I've also taken a look at the interesting discussions and changes:


http://www.mail-archive.com/development@qt-project.org/msg03875.html + replies

This is the change for QBasicMutex in Qt5


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