On Jan 10, 2013, at 5:46 PM, Alberto Mardegan <ma...@users.sourceforge.net> 

> Hi all!
>   I'd like to make C++ models more usable from QML; in the net there 
> are several blog posts illustrating how to achieve that, but IMHO it 
> would be better if at least some of these handy features were in 
> QAbstractListModel itself:
> - "count" property
> - "get(index)" invocable method, returning a QVariantMap mapping all the 
> roles to their data for the specified index

+1 from me. That would clean up a lot of the ugly special casing we have to 
deal with whenever models are provided to components.

> Also, though not very often requested, we could add:
> - "remove(index)" which just calls QAbstractItemModel::removeRow()
> - "QList<QVariant> items(const QString &role)", which returns the data 
> for the role "role" for all items.
> The implementation for the above is fairly trivial, so I wonder if 
> there's some other reasons why it hasn't been done or if it's just that 
> no one did and a patch is welcome.

I would suspect it the latter and we just assumed there was a philosophy behind 
it. Another possibly low hanging fruit is to add some convenience for sorting 
models. But the model implementation differences make straight forward use of 
QSortFilterProxyModel problematic.

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