
FYI :)

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Hello QtWebKit,

in an effort to reduce the confusion and the hoops needed by users to report 
bugs for QtWebKit, issues should now simply be reported in the "WebKit" 
component(s) of the "Qt" project at https://bugreports.qt-project.org.

There is no need anymore to ask users to report bugs at http://bugs.webkit.org. 
The Qt bug tracker is quite open following Qt's open governance and Qt now aims 
for a shorter release cycles that reduces the motivation for QtWebKit to have 
it's own release cycle.

Test regressions, bugs that you intend to fix yourself or bugs that apply to 
all WebKit ports should continue being reported at http://bugs.webkit.org.
Also, may I note that the Qt bug tracker is a nicer tool to manage longer term 
suggestions or tasks for the project, which can easily get lost on our noisy 
WebKit bug tracker.

This shouldn't affect the readers of this list so much, but I thought that it 
is worth mentioning.

webkit-qt mailing list

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