On quinta-feira, 28 de março de 2013 18.31.50, Axel Waggershauser wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry if this is a boring/stupid/old question (I have not found any
> related discussion): Why is the installed mingw version of the (5.0.1)
> SDK more than 3 times the size (>3.5GB) of the msvc version?

Besides the point below, remember that the actual MinGW is shipped inside the
installer. That adds another 300 MB.

> It obviously boils down to the question why especially the debug dlls
> are so much bigger (like Qt5Guid.dll: 131MB vs 5MB).

Debugging symbols are much bigger and extremely space-inefficient with DWARF2.
GCC is switching to DWARF4 and that should help.

> Somewhat related is the question: why is is necessary to have all
> those (huge) dlls both in the bin and lib directory? Not having them
> duplicated would cut down the above number by about 1.4 GB.

That's a mistake. The installed package should not have DLLs in the lib
directory. I think Ossi has already pointed this out to the packaging team.

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center

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