On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 12:40:39PM -0700, Alan Alpert wrote:
> This issue has already been covered by the relevant IRC experts,
> http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml (last point on that
> page), so we don't need to keep reframing the question from first
> principles here.
> Given those guidelines, our possible answers are either "No (i.e.
> there is no permission given for public logging)" or "list it in the
> channel topic for logged channels (and possibly leave some channels
> deliberately unlogged)".

FreeNode themselves clearly favour "No logging".
> I'm personally in favor of the latter, because the free flow of
> information is generally useful to open projects
> (and this is *not* sensitive personal data).

Whether the data as such counts as "sensitive" depends on your

We are talking about IP addresses and timestamps of enter/leave events
which make up the bulk of the logged data.

I have a hard time to imagine _any_ legitimate use of that information
within the official scope of the Qt Project. If you have any in mind,
please explain.


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