On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 3:06 AM, Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org> wrote:

> Either that or not rushing into porting everything to QJob. Having it in a
> separate library would mean having QtCoreJobs, QtNetworkJobs, etc. Doesn't
> seem to be very flexible.

I also think it makes sense to have a separate playground module for
experiment as Thiago and Konstantin suggested. It would be similar to
qtlogger, scene graph, etc which can then later be merged back into main
modules if needed.

Although, having a playground module even after stabilized for a somewhat
similar scenario as QIODevice: network devices, core devices, etc, seems a
bit inconsistent, especially if it was also a common functionality as it
seems, and not corner case. If it is not a that common functionality, then
perhaps, yes...

-- Laszlo
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