On 13 Sep 2013, at 9:44 AM, Duan Fugang-B38611 wrote:
> The KDE is not kwin, is matchbox-window-manager.

OK I can reproduce it, so it seems to be an issue with matchbox (and matchbox 
is not using Qt).  But it was designed for PDAs, so maybe there is a solution.  
The touch drivers for Linux PDAs back then (iPaq, Zaurus, Agenda etc.) only 
provided mouse events, because XInput didn't have touch until recently, and 
anyway a resistive touchscreen is just like a single-button mouse.  But the 
evdev driver should be making your multi-touch screen emulate a mouse too, so 
then I wonder what matchbox is doing so that it doesn't work.  Maybe it has 
been partially updated to support touch but doesn't do it correctly?  But you 
can google and/or find a matchbox mailing list or forum to ask about that, or 
look at the source and see if it uses xinput or just the conventional old X11 
mouse events.

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