On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Alexis Menard <ale...@webkit.org> wrote:

> Qt integration will be on top of the Content Shell and this single process
> mode needs to work because Google needs it for their Android WebView.

Alexis, I think you meant "Content API"  here, not Content Shell, right?

I didn't work on Android (I now work for Opera on the Mac platform mostly),
and not quite familiar with the single process support status, but I have
heard it getting broken from time to time and usually being used as a test
/ diagnose tool, instead of officially supported as a process model. (In
Opera for instance we try not to break single process mode but no one is
really actively developing for it or count on it.) Maybe it worked well
enough for content module? Do you have any further information about that?
(Proving that Qt WebEngine can safely use single process mode on platforms
that requires it.)

- Jiang
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