On Wednesday 18. September 2013 13.38.12 Simon Hausmann wrote:
> On Wednesday 18. September 2013 10.54.52 Sarajärvi Tony wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > We will have a maintenance break on our servers and network services on
> > Saturday 28th Sep at 08:00 EEST, lasting until Sunday 29th Sep 20:00 EEST.
> > 
> > This might affect your builds, since different parts of the CI infra will
> > be down periodically. Auto re-try systems can cope with some of them, but
> > you can expect more failures than usual during this time.
> That's a very unfortunate timing, given that Monday is feature freeze and
> we're all trying hard to get changes through the CI system until then -
> including the weekend.

Oops, I was wrong, for some reason I thought Monday, but is in fact this 
Friday (20th), when the freeze is.

So disregard my earlier email.

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