> Yeah. Unfortunately it's not that easy to fix, since the Qt versions / 
> toolchains packages register themselves into Qt Creator.

Does it have to be so complicated? Why QtCreator just not figures out installed 
Qt versions upon next run if they are installed on well known location, 
otherwise just asks user.

Also Qt installer does really many unnecessary (obsolete) things considering 
supported OSX versions:

>> Also now way to not install documentation and examples:
>> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-34870
> I personally don't see the point in such fine grain splits. It's a nightmare 
> to test, and there are few people who care (otherwise 
> https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-33121 would have been spotted 
> by more people, I guess).

Right now the choice is really limited to:
(1) Installing QtCreator only
(2) Installing QtCreator+Qt frameworks
(3) Installing all above+Sources

The question is why then we need installer at all, if it has so minimal added 
value? Look at Xcode, everything embedded into Xcode.app. On Mac it is really 
ugly way to ship anything with own custom installer. Even Microsoft & Nvidia 
use native packages.

I have really Mac-centric point of view, but unfortunately Qt5 packaging is 
really Windows-centric, and that’s not the way Mac users like it. On Mac Qt4 
was really close to what Xcode packaging was, not anymore for Qt5.

It is isn’t also Linux friendly, coz if it was it would be shipped as pair of 
RPM/DEB custom repos installing into /opt, not .run like custom installers. 
Again NVIDIA does it well. Also sooner or later someone has to create these 
packages to bundle with specific distro.

Finally if Qt installer framework has online installer capability, why not 
embed it into QtCreator itself and let user download Qt SDK components from the 
app. Need complete offline version? Ship both bare QtCreator and one with all 
components preinstalled.

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