On 5 Mar 2014, at 9:01 AM, BogDan wrote:

> Hi,
>   I'm trying to push this patch: 
> https://codereview.qt-project.org/#change,79826 but CI doesn't like me.
>   Because CI seems to be based on luck, can CI folks give us a daily CI 
> horoscopes forecast on this matter? E.g. if you are not born on the end of 
> March and you don't have have only two android pending patches, then you are 
> in luck ! :)

It's normal; if your patch cannot cause the failure then keep staging until it 
finally goes in.

Sometimes though, we try to fix the autotests that fail the most frequently.  
If you can't reproduce the failure on your own machine, with the same OS, often 
the cause seems to be heavy multi-tasking on the CI machines, which will slow 
down timing-sensitive tests to the point of failure.  But even that is hard to 
prove, since CI is a black box to most of us; and even if you get access to a 
CI machine to run tests on, they won't fail because it's not multi-tasking so 
heavily at that time.  (And if it was, you'd have a problem to do anything 
interactively anyway.)  You also can't add qDebugs or other types of verbosity 
to tests to try to debug CI failures because reviewers will say that tests 
should not be verbose.

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