On 2014-03-11 05:01, Pasion Jerome wrote:
> Short summary: We will be redirecting viewers of Qt 5.0 and Qt 5.1 
> documentation
> to "Qt 5" documentation. Subsequently, we will remove the 5.0 and 5.1 
> documentation
> from qt-project.org and we will place future Qt 5.x documentation in
> "Qt 5" (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/).

How am I then supposed to find the 5.x documentation if I am developing 
an application against 5.x but the latest release is 5.y?

It's common practice to keep old documentation available so that users 
can have a correct view of the state of the software /as of the version 
they are using/. If you don't do this, you *MUST* accurately document 
every *change* (not just additions) between versions and have that 
documentation clearly visible in the documentation of the affected 
classes/methods/etc. (Plus, I know from experience that \since is easily 

> People looking into the Qt 5 documentation will likely encounter the
> 5.0 version. Harmonizing the directories into one means that online
> viewers will always view the latest Qt 5 documentation.

That can be solved easily by having /doc/qt-5/ symlinked on the server 
to the latest 5.x.

I would also encourage doing like python.org and adding a widget to 
select the documentation version. You could also add a big noisy warning 
to the historic documentation pages.

> B)Multiple directories hinders the search results. A single directory for Qt 5
> documentation increases traffic to the /doc/qt-5/ directory. Currently,
> the /doc/qt-5.1 and /doc/qt-5.0 directories are taking away viewers from the
> main Qt 5 content.

So don't allow these to be indexed? I know there are ways to tell search 
engines to not index certain pages...


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