Hi everyone,
I'm happy to see that the Qt3D component is finally being actively developed.

I guess such a complex piece of software has some plans behind, in terms of 
architecture and features.
I would like to know if it possible for Dr. Harmer and pals to share a rough 
features plan within this list.
Not asking for promises :) I'm well aware of the open source business.
I'd only like to peek what's going on to know if my project can count on Qt3D 
in the future or if I have to move my steps on other technologies. I'd love to 
stay on Qt for the cross-platform promise.

I need to write a real time 3D visualizer for a lighting control application, 
so my key stones are deferred rendering and multiple lights (30-50 would do)

On a footnote, as a pure suggestion, it would be nice to have a test suite for 
Qt3D like the one three.js has: http://threejs.org/examples/

Keep up the awesome job !

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