Hi All,

My mac app just got rejected by the Mac App Store for the following reasons:

The use of non-public APIs can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs 
change in the future, and is therefore not permitted. The following non-public 
APIs are included in your application:

: bootstrap_look_up2
: bootstrap_register2

: ubrk_getRuleStatus
: ubrk_setUText
: ucnv_getCanonicalName
: ucnv_reset

: SQLAllocHandle
: SQLBindParameter
: SQLCloseCursor
: SQLColAttributeW
: SQLColumnsW
: SQLDescribeColW
: SQLDisconnect
: SQLDriverConnectW
: SQLEndTran
: SQLExecDirectW
: SQLExecute
: SQLFetch
: SQLFetchScroll
: SQLFreeHandle
: SQLGetData
: SQLGetDiagRecW
: SQLGetFunctions
: SQLGetInfoW
: SQLGetStmtAttrW
: SQLGetTypeInfoW
: SQLMoreResults
: SQLNumResultCols
: SQLPrepareW
: SQLPrimaryKeysW
: SQLRowCount
: SQLSetConnectAttrW
: SQLSetEnvAttr
: SQLSetStmtAttrW
: SQLSpecialColumnsW
: SQLTablesW

First of all, my app doesn't even use SQL, why are those APIs being called? As 
to the first two issues, from what I read online, it is because of QtWebkit, 
which I have to use in my app. Is there any hope we could get these fixed? 

Thank you!
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