Hi everyone,so now that Qt 5.4.0 is released, I dedicated some efforts to have 
QtWayland running on the Raspberry Pi.
I have a QtWidget based application that runs fullscreen on eglfs, but all the 
children windows created by the app are not decorated.

This is a known thing, thus I tried to go the Wayland way.
A few days ago I found this: http://raspberrypi.collabora.co.uk/maynard.html
Straightforward packages for Wheezy of Wayland/Weston version 1.4.0. With 
those, I've been able to build and run QtWayland 5.4.0 !
Quick note about what the Collabora team is doing: it seems the Collabora team 
and the RPi team are writing their own DE and they called it Maynard. 
It's still under heavy development but when I gave it a try, it looked 
promising. Didn't experience crashes but obviously all the applications are 
missing, since nobody builds for Wayland yet.
So, my application runs on Maynard using "-platform wayland" but all the 
windows are not decorated. So basically I have the same result as if I run it 
on eglfs.I haven't checked on Weston, but if Maynard is the direction the RPi 
team wants to take, then I would like to stick with it.
Also, it's not clear to me if the wayland QPA is actually using the BRCM 
backend. Since I cannot move windows, I couldn't tell if performances are 
acceptable or what.
So, my questions to the QtWayland guys are:
- have you people already done some tests on Weston/Maynard on the Raspberry Pi 
- how could I check which backend the QtWayland QPA is loading ?
- is there any chance to have windows decorations (bradient ?) on the RPi or is 
it something still being evaluated/developed ?
Thanks in advance for any answer you could provide.
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