On Tuesday 21. April 2015 10:33:50 René J.V. Bertin wrote:
> On Tuesday April 21 2015 06:32:47 Heikkinen Jani wrote:
> >If you aren't fixing critical bug you should use '5.5' branch for that.
> >'5.4' is for possible 5.4.3 and not for any nice-to-have fixes, sorry.
> This is actually more than just a nice-to-have fix. It affects anyone doing
> any kind of serious work with fonts, and not just on OS X. So this is more
> than just a nice-to-have fix, unless of course you think it's fine for Qt
> to remain stuck in the 80s or so as far as font handling is concerned.
> There are lots of typefaces (combinations of font family, weight, style)
> that cannot be reloaded for the standard ways to represent them in settings
> files, and I'm not even sure that the approach Qt follows allows for 100%
> reliable function.

I don't know anything about that particular patch, but this does not look like 
a candidate for a stable branch.
If people have been living in the 80s for that long, they can wait until the 
next minor release. If this is not a regression against Qt4, then it is a new 
feature, and 5.5 or even dev should be a better candidate. 

Especially because font rendering is so delicate, and fixes somewhere in this 
area tends to break applications that relied on the previous behaviour.
(When suddenly a line is a pixel larger, the rendering of a whole screen can 
be disastrous.)

But this does sound like a nice change you are doing.


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