* André Somers <an...@familiesomers.nl> [2015-06-03 08:38:48 +0200]:
> We have applications that use the current date and time at places spread 
> around the code. For normal operations, that works very nicely. However, 
> we find that for (auto) testing, it would be very convenient if we could 
> trick the application into believing it is some other date/time, so that 
> we can test if certain behaviours work the way we would like to 
> automatically. Currently, these tests take a lot of time because we 
> actually need to manually adjust the system date and time, do some 
> stuff, then adjust again, etc.
> It would be really confortable if there was some control to set a 
> date/time offset (so the time keeps running) or a fixed date/time to be 
> returned from currentDate(), currentTime() or currentDateTime() 
> respectively. I guess access to such a thing does not belong in the main 
> Qt classes, but is really a testing tool, so perhaps it could find 
> refuge in QtTest somewhere. Would a contribution adding such a thing 
> stand any chance of being accepted, or would this be considered out of 
> scope or even unwanted?

FWIW there's libfaketime[1] which might be some inspiration - but
that's Linux/OS X only.

[1] https://github.com/wolfcw/libfaketime


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