
I'm getting closer to my goal, with a "true module" that can be added as "QT += 
qsp_xdg" or "find_package(Qt5QspXDG) ; target_link_libraries(...Qt5::QspXDG 
The nice thing is that I didn't even have to write a cmake file: good work 

My initial idea had been to use an object file or static library, and figure 
how to pull in the latter even with using any of its symbols). But it looks 
shared libraries (OS X frameworks in this case) are always linked if passed to 
the linker. So even without calling any of its functions or using any of its 
global variables, my trick with a global variable that calls a QtCore function 
in its ctor appears to work and have the intended effect.

I know it's not the most appropriate place to ask, but is this a guarantee with 
shared libraries? (I'd add "why the difference with static libs" but that would 
probably be pushing it :))


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