13.01.2016, 14:15, "Knoll Lars" <lars.kn...@theqtcompany.com>:
> Hi everybody,
> The Qt Company has over the last days signed a new and updated agreement with 
> the KDE Free Foundation. With this new agreement come some adjustments to the 
> open source licensing of Qt. Basically LGPLv3 will in the future be our main 
> license for frameworks, GPLv3 for the tooling.
> At the same time, The Qt Company committed to open source the currently 
> commercial only parts of Qt for Application Development under the GPLv3 and 
> make those available to the open source community.
> I have discussed this change with many of our Maintainers over the last week, 
> getting a lot of positive feedback to this change.
> Please have a read through the blog post at
> http://blog.qt.io/blog/2016/01/13/new-agreement-with-the-kde-free-qt-foundation
>  for all the details.
> We have already pushed the sources of Qt Charts, Qt Data Visualisation and 
> the Qt virtual keyboard to codereview, and you can pull the code from there. 
> I would personally like to see most of these things integrated into the Qt 
> 5.7 open source packages already, and minimise the feature delta between the 
> OSS and commercial versions of Qt for Application Development.

Just to clarify things: does this change affect QtWebKit?

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