On Apr 19, 2016 6:49 PM, "Kojo Tero" <tero.k...@theqtcompany.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Point taken. The open source side does need to be more clearly visible.
> Currently the developer page is structured more toward the new user, with
the idea that more experienced users will visit again and find more
content, like the contribution guidelines.
> So the improvement idea can be split in two parts:
> - Provide a clearer path for potential contributors to get involved in Qt
> - Make it more clear that Qt is available as open source
> In practice the wiki does have a pretty good set of "how to contribute"
pages, but a new user will not stumble upon them by accident. Making links
to those from the developers page would probably help a lot. Also having
the contribution guide in the wiki is beneficial from my point, as then
anyone contributing can improve the guide.


> The other side of the coin is crowding the developer page with
information. A page about contributing might be a solution, or then a
rethink of the developer page. The new brand style actually provides better
tools for cleaner information presentation. I'll talk with a web developer
about how to present the information and start trying things.
> The other point on making the open source side more visible needs more
thinking. It probably can be achieved partially on the developer page, but
it needs wordings in many places.

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