
Are you trying to run the example on Android? If so, try to make a simple Qt3D example with a QML Scene3D object, like this: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qt3d-scene3d-example.html

I have had some trouble with running the other Qt3D examples on Android, but I have not seen the same error message as you got. It has often helped to run it through a Scene3D object, however. This is of course only a long term solution if you are working on a QML project. But, testing the example will give you a good indication of whether Qt3D in general works on your device or not. If not, there might be some issue with getting access to an OpenGL context on your device. Then I would try to find a simple OpenGL example for Android in Java just to check.



On 26. juli 2016 05:55, swarit wipra wrote:
I am getting following error, when running Qt 3d app.

05-19 19:26:06.857 17339 17339 W libClimateHMI.so: (null):0 ((null)): Can't find surface 2 05-19 19:26:06.869 221 628 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xab962fb0) throttle end: throttle time(3) 05-19 19:26:06.877 17339 17339 W libClimateHMI.so: (null):0 ((null)): Can't find surface 2 05-19 19:26:47.118 221 628 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(0: playback) kvpairs: routing=2 out->devices(2) adev->mode(0) 05-19 19:26:47.169 17339 17434 E libEGL : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread) 05-19 19:26:47.248 17339 17339 I System.out: ClimateServiceIFClient : onPause 05-19 19:26:47.248 17339 17339 D libClimateHMI.so: (null):0 ((null)): ClimateHmiIF : NotifyOnPause --- 0xf7452b34 05-19 19:26:47.248 17339 17339 D libClimateHMI.so: (null):0 ((null)): UIClimateNotification : NotifyOnPause --- 0xf7452b34 05-19 19:26:47.290 17339 17405 W art : Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[10,tid=17405,Native,Thread*=0xab7c3548,peer=0x12d330a0,"QtThread"]

Please guide me to fix it.
Best Regards

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