On 08/09/16 17:13, "Development on behalf of Thiago Macieira" 
<development-bounces+lars.knoll=qt...@qt-project.org on behalf of 
thiago.macie...@intel.com> wrote:

>On quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2016 07:37:28 PDT Liang Qi wrote:
>> Is it better to have 5.7.2 around 5.8.0 final release and close 5.7 after
>> that? 5.7.1 is very soon in a few weeks. There will be a few months gap
>> between 5.7.1 and 5.8.0/5.8.1. The first release of new branch, like 5.8.0,
>> sometimes it's not tested enough in user(or application developers) side,
>> so some regressions or a bit critical issues will be found between 5.8.0
>> and 5.8.1. It's good for users to have a more stable release of 5.7.2.
>> If we stick to do release like this kind of order, 5.6.2->5.7.1->5.8.0
>> Beta, it's not very difficult to have a 5.6.3->5.7.2->5.8.0 or similar.
>> And I would like to see it becomes a convention for future releases.
>It wouldn't be bad, if the release team and merging team can make it work. Our 
>concern was that you and Eddy are spending far too much time on doing merges.

It’s basically a question about how we can deal most efficiently with the 
branches we have. And both merging and cherry-picking are valid ways to work 
with those branches.

If the branches are closely related, merging is obviously the better choice, as 
conflicts will be rare. But once branches start diverging more, merging will at 
some point start to create more overhead (and risk) than cherry-picking back 
into the older branch.

There are several reasons, why I think we at some point should stop merging 
from 5.6 to newer branches. 

We are doing significant changes all through our code base currently. C++11 and 
configuration system related changes are just one example. This will lead to 
more and more merge conflicts as time goes by. I’ve already reviewed a few 
merges where it took significant effort to verify that the merge was correct. 
Merges are done by one person, and that person often doesn’t know all the 
details of what the patch causing a conflict is trying to achieve. This 
actually increases our risk of introducing regressions into our newer branches.

Having a lot of branches also increases the complexity for all of us into 
figuring out where a change should go. In many cases it also does significantly 
increase turn-around time if a patch is needed in a newer branch. Having a long 
merge patch from 5.6 to dev can cause delays for all of us. If those delays get 
too long, this is costly for all of us and will slow us down when developing 
new features.

A cherry-picking approach for the LTS branch can make sense, as it distributes 
the burden of bringing the bug fix to both the stable and LTS branch over all 
developers and doesn’t put it on the one person having to do the merges. It 
will also help limiting changes in the LTS branch to the things that should 
really go there.


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