> On 28 Nov 2016, at 01:05, Aleix Pol <aleix...@kde.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 26, 2016 at 12:51 AM, Samuel Gaist <samuel.ga...@edeltech.ch> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As requested by Thiago in https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/166456/ I’d 
>> like to open a discussion about adding a new library in qtbase.
>> Why this discussion ?
>> Currently in work a pluggable notification system developed in its own 
>> library in qtbase.
>> Why add a new library ?
>> Originally the submission was integrated in QPA however after some thoughts 
>> and discussion, it was reworked to avoid that so that developers of non-GUI 
>> application could also take advantage of notifications without the need of a 
>> QGuiApplication.
>> One of my motivation to move the code in its own library was that the second 
>> implementation provided a run-time plugin selection mechanism much like the 
>> QtSql module. After further discussion, the plugin selection has been moved 
>> to build-time.
>> The library as it is currently could even be in its own repository however 
>> the goal in the long run is to replace the code used in QSystemTrayIcon by 
>> calls to this module which at this time duplicates the showMessage logic for 
>> macOS. Therefore having it as a separated repo would mean that qtbase would 
>> depend on it to be build which IMHO is not an option.
>> So basically we are at this point:
>> 1) Keep the new notifications module
>> 2) Move the code in the gui module since QImage might be used
>> In any case, the outcome of this discussion should likely be written in a 
>> QUIP so we have a clear set of rules about adding new libraries in existing 
>> Qt modules.
>> Thank you for your attention
> This is very interesting! We've missed this in several occasions and
> at the moment it's a bit of a stopper for some KDE applications to
> flourish on some platforms (thinking of KDE Connect at the moment but
> I'm sure that others too).
> IMHO the inflection point it's whether it's going to require
> QCoreApplication or QGuiApplication. Without having sat down into
> details, not only QImage but QIcon should also be part of the API. I'd
> say that QtGui will end up being required.
> Aleix

That’s one of the “trick" I used, I didn’t put the QIcon interface on purpose. 
Without it you don’t need a QGuiApplication.

One possibility might be to do like Jake suggested and have one non-gui and one 
gui library provide by the module.

If we go with Allan's suggestion, putting it in QPA (which corresponds a bit 
like my first implementation), then there would be no way around a 

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