On 2016-12-15, Soroush Rabiei <soroush.rab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2.History


I would welcome more calendar systems.  Personally I hope for french
revolutionary calendar. Because it is funny.

I think you need to touch quite some of the 'inner bits' of date / time,
and while you are there, I'd love if the design could make it easier to
implement my two missing pet features:
 - Partial dates
 - Date/time intervals/delta's.

You might need the latter part for the implementation.

(By partial dates, I mean e.g. my friend has birthday on november 1st.
every year. or unknown year.)

(by date/time deltas, I e.g. I started working somewhere on november 1st
2014. and stopped january 3rd 2015. How long did I work there)


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