On jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017 11:22:28 ART Konrad Rosenbaum wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, March 8, 2017 21:23, Jake Petroules wrote:
> > Personally, I also prefer a build process never touch the network, but the
> > average developer isn't that picky and just wants to Get Things Done.
> The average test engineer is that picky and even worse! A test engineer
> expects to save a minimal VM of the build system, boot it up a year later
> in a completely isolated environment (i.e. no network or access to
> external repositories) and then it should build the exact same binaries
> bit for bit (minus the file create time).
> Also: I've worked in environments in which a network connection for build
> scripts would have been quite difficult to accomplish if not impossible
> (e.g. isolated servers with no access to the web proxy or proxies with
> rather strange setups).

Uff, this would be me doing stuff at $job and another part of me maintaining 
Qt for Debian. No network access, in both cases, is a must.

> Every little dependency had to be downloaded
> manually (sometimes from a completely different network) and transferred
> into the build environment over several stages - that's especially funny
> if you're building from source because the pre-built binaries don't run
> because they require a newer system. No, those environments are
> exceedingly common in industry.
> If you want to keep the Qt build process as flexible as possible:
> 1) minimal dependencies (i.e. compiler, maybe one or two simple tools)
> 2) no network access
> 3) can be built completely from sources, no binaries in the archive
> 4) no self-dependency (i.e. does not require binaries of itself to build)


> otherwise: expect complaints from people living what is jokingly called
> "real life". ;-)

Count me on that list.

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 Walter Opyd, "Show Me The Data" IEEE Spectrum's reader's comments,

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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