On 16.05.2017 19:23, Thiago Macieira wrote:
On segunda-feira, 15 de maio de 2017 05:49:19 PDT Mårten Nordheim wrote:
                - Note: To print a curly brace they have to be doubled (same
                as in all of the above) ( "{{", "}}" )
Why do we need a double closing curly brace? This is not a valid sequence:

        "Closing Brace: }"

Or would the formatter complain if it found that?
This is enforced for consistency, not because it would cause a problem for the formatter:
"{{ABC}" vs "{{abs}}"
As well as the fact that it is also done this way in other libraries (I originally had '\\{' for escaping, but changed it.)
                                 - Alternatively: put all BC functionality
                                 behind 'arg' and use another function-name
                                 for the new formatting style/functionality
                                 (e.g. '.format', '.subs')
The choice of whether to use a constructor or a differently-named function
will depend on the design choice for your API. So it's up to you.

Please consider, in terms of Qt API design (ease of use, surprise factor,
etc.) just what the following should do:

        QStringFormatter("%1 is {1}").arg("foo").subs("bar")
Hm, hadn't thought that far ahead, thanks. I guess that would be hard to guess without reading the docs. In this case a constructor parameter is the better choice for BC.
- i18n could be in a separate class/child-class
                 - but it should be kept in mind during the design and
                 implementation of this class to make i18n easier to
No, the MAIN purpose of the formatter is i18n. Therefore, this needs to be in
the base class and designed from the get-go.

Formatted output to files is a secondary goal (we already have QTextStream).
Formatted output to the console is a tertiary goal, or even a non-goal.
I'll have to look into and get back to this

Mårten Nordheim
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