On 09/15/2017 06:42 AM, André Hartmann wrote:
I'd like to push this discussion, because if code is converted to a new base, it should be clear to everyone HOW to do so.
Great initiative! It would be great if the guidelines could be updated to reflect the new standard.
What I like to add, is to encourage the use of C++11 member initialisation. They are already used in QtSerialBus (from the beginning) and QtCreator (ongoing changes to existing codebase).
What do you think?
I was right now wondering if `typedef` or `using` is preferred in new code. And if `using` is preferred, what to do when there are existing typedefs in nearby code?

Personally, I think we should prefer `using`, and update nearby typedefs accordingly, but it should also be safe to do a search-replace in the entire codebase if we are already doing that for other things.

Is there a way we could formalize this discussion a bit? Perhaps a wiki-page where we could list the suggested changes and we could have some kind of voting mechanism? It could make it easier to separate the things everybody agrees on from the more interesting discussions.

Best regards,

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