On Thu, 30 Aug 2018 07:50:41 -0700, Thiago Macieira wrote:

>> From my experience with the QSkinny project I'm tempted to say that it
>> would even be possible to implement the Qt/Widgets API on top of
>> Qt/Quick core.
> So long as you ditch the paint event for most of the classes, leaving
> the QQuickPaintedItem (or whatever it's called) only for the cases where
> it's truly needed.

When implementing widgets ( inside of Qt or 3rd party widgets like in Qwt 
) it is mostly a matter of handling resize and paint events.

The corresponding calls for Qt/Quick are QQuickItem::geometryChanged and 

So when trying to migrate widgets into being QQuickItems you would have 
to send QResizeEvents inside of geometryChanged and QPaintEvents inside 
of updatePaintNode.

All of these "widgets" could have an FBO ( or QPixmap ) inside and 
creating a QPainter on a them would result in drawing to this one. Then 
it would be possible to create a scene graph node from it.

Of course I'm heavily oversimplifying, but this way you would at least 
get something running in a reasonable amount of time - even if this would 
downgrade the scene graph into being a texture cache.

But it would be a starting point for migrating the implementation of 
updatePaintNode widget by widget.


But does it make any sense to spend time on this:

In the context of Qt 5.0, where the strategy was to replace Widgets by 
Quick Controls 1 - probably not.

But QC1 has become a failed technology and QC2 is not targeting the 
desktop anymore. So all what Qt has to offer today for the desktop is 
good old Widgets - running on a graphic stack, that is not competitive 

So in the retrospective IMHO the wrong decision had been made.
And for the future - no idea, is there already a strategy how to satisfy 
desktop users with Qt 6 ?


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