> -----Original Message-----
> From: Development <development-bounces+kai.koehne=qt.io@qt-
> project.org> On Behalf Of Uwe Rathmann
> Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 4:10 PM
> To: development@qt-project.org
> Subject: [Development] automated bulk change closing old issues in the "Need
> more info" state
> Hi all,
> I just received 2 messages about: automated bulk change closing old issues in
> the "Need more info" state.
> - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-68874
> - https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66264
> I have no idea why they have been set to "Need more info" - actually one of
> them has been explicitly answered, but the developer does not follow up.

Then it's good that the bot pointed the wrong state out. Please move the bugs
back to open state (as you apparently did already). Next time you answer,
consider clicking "Provide missing info", instead of just commenting [1].

> ( There might be other good reasons closing these bugs, but waiting for more
> info is definitely not the case )
> I guess my bugs are not the only ones and if you don't want to lose a lot of
> valuable reports this way better stop an revert this bulk changes.
> Why should anyone continue reporting bugs, when all what happens is, that
> they are put on hold and finally closed automatically ?

Don't shoot the messenger 😊 Your bugs where in a 'need more info' state,
which a lot of searches exclude, and might have therefore gotten less attention.
 If you have a bug in the 'Need more info" state and it's unclear to you what
information is missing, just ask.


[1]: I agree that the workflow is suboptimal there, but that's apparently what 
JIRA offers.
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