On 10/01/2019 15:08, Shawn Rutledge wrote:
The next problem is how to use custom shaders and adjustable uniforms without 
breaking batching in the scene graph; today, the number of draw calls goes up 
if you do that.  This is the reason we don’t have GPU-calculated AA line 
charts, and it’s also the reason we don’t have the nice Ellipse that I wrote 
for Qt Quick.  Every custom shader runs in a separate batch (that’s 
unavoidable).  Shaders can’t have dynamically adjusted uniforms (for animation, 
or for limiting the scope of rendering of a vertex array), or even uniforms 
that vary between instances, without breaking batching, and that’s a terrible 
limitation that I would like to see solved somehow in a future scene graph 
implementation, if there’s any way.

glDrawElementsInstanced() in ES 3 and OpenGL 3 can be used or if you want to go further you can index into uniform buffer objects or SSBOs and use things like glMultiDrawIndirect. There are equivalents in Vulkan/Metal/DX12 of course.

However, limiting everything to the feature set provided by ES 2 won't allow this type of optimisation as you are forced to do more on the CPU side.



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