
  It is time to rethink our branch model. We are approaching Qt6 development 
and I'm worried that what we have now, will simply not scale. As you know, our 
branch model is mainly(*) based on merging from stable up to development 
branches. In general, it is a very good model, which make sure that release 
branches are not getting obsolete too quickly, that most of the fixes are in 
the right places, that every commit is only once in the git history. It is a 
very clean model. It is also a very slow model, with a single point of 

  It is hard to maintain:
  My impression is that the current model works great for a single release 
branch, but we have: 5.6 5.9 5.12 and soon we will have 5.13, that is without 
counting temporary patch level branches. Merging through them is hard, we 
already had to use "cherry-pick mode" in some places. When we add to the 
picture dev and qt6 branches, merging will be very, very hard. It is 
practically a full time job to update qt5 repository and coordinate all the 
merges now (thank you Liang!), shortly after qt6 branch opening amount of work 
will be much bigger.
  It is slow:
  The merges take time. We produce a lot of code, we have a lot of tests that 
needs to pass. Even single failure delays merge propagation by at least one 
day. If by bad luck, the merge contains some API incompatible changes an 
intermediate jump through Qt5 integration is required, that adds at least 3 
days of delay.


  Proposal in short: let's use cherry-pick mode everywhere.

  All(**) changes would go to dev. From which they would be automatically 
cherry-picked by a bot to other branches. The decision to which branch cherry-
pick, would be taken based on a tag in the commit message. We could add a 
footer that marks the change risk level as in quip-5 
(http://quips-qt-io.herokuapp.com/quip-0005.html), so for example "dev", 
"stable", "LTS". By 
default everything would be cherry-picked to qt6 branch unless "no-future" tag 
would be given. Of course we can bike-shed about the tag names.

  - no waiting for merges, a fix can be used right away after integration
  - faster propagation of fixes targeting all branches, as there are no merges 
of merges
  - simpler for new contributors, always push to dev
  - in most cases a reviewer does no need to know what the current version 
number is
  - conflict resolution is distributed and affects mostly the author of the 
  - documents a change intent, which may be useful for people keeping own 
  - over time with increased amount of conflicts old branches, in natural way, 
stay untouched

  - git history would be a bit wilder, "git branch --contains" would not work
  - commit messages in some branches would have kind of ugly footer as an 
effect of "cherry-pick -x"
  - there is a chance, that some cherry-picked commits may be left forgotten 
in gerrit after a failed integration

  Bot details:

  The bot would listen only for changes in dev, in some unusual cases one 
could target an other branch directly, but bot would not trigger automatic 
cherry-pick(***). The bot would wait for a successful dev integration before 
creating cherry-picked changes. The bot would use cherry-pick -x to annotate 
the origin patch. After the cherry-pick creation, it would push it to gerrit, 
+2 and stage once. It would be up to the author to re-stage in case of 
flakiness. In case of a cherry-pick conflict it should push unresolved conflict 
to gerrit and add all reviewers and author to handle the issue.

The list below shows branch targets for automatic cherry-pick based on given 

dev (qt6)
stable (qt6, 5.13)
stable, no-future (5.13)
LTS (qt6, 5.13, 5.12)
LTS-strict (qt6, 5.13, 5.12, 5.9)
LTS, no-future (5.13, 5.12)

That is assuming that we have branches: qt6  dev  5.13  5.13.q  5.12  5.12.w  
5.9  5.9.e  5.6  5.6.r
I think we should assume that patch level branches, as well LTS in very strict 
state, are handled manually.

  Creation of new branches:
We would branch more or less as usual. The only difference from the current 
system is that we would not need the back merge / soft branching anymore, but 
of course we could keep it.


  Why not X instead?

  - GitFlow, GitHub <= both are based on feature branches, that doesn't work 
well with gerrit.
  - Stay with the current solution <= the merge effort is too big and qt6 is 
expected to cause conflicts that really should not be solved by one person

  What to do around Qt6 release?

  Replace dev branch with qt6 branch content, do not use "no-future" tag 
anymore. From a random contributor perspective nothing changes.

  Can we use annotate instead of cherry-pick -x?

  No, but we should use it in addition. Annotations are mutable, therefore are 
not 100% trust worthy. If we have both, we could validate annotations against 
commit message, sadly it would not protect against annotation removal.
  Can we use gerrit change id instead of cherry-pick -x?

  Yes, but it would tie us more with gerrit. I do not think it is good in long 
term, but as long we are using gerrit one can use gerrit id as a unique id of 
a concept behind a change (a change my look differently in different branches).
  How migration would look like?
  It would be quite automatic. We need to:
  1. block access to gerrit
  2. re-target all changes to dev branch (a part from topic branches) and 
amend commit message based on the original target branch
  3. enable warning in sanity bot for all branches, excluding dev and topic 
branches, so it warns about wrongly pushed changes
  4. enable cherry-pick bot
  5. unblock gerrit access

  What about existing topic branches?
  Nothing really. We still can use them and merge them to dev with a right 

  What if we need a release blocker fix, right now!
  The setup prioritize dev. So a release branch would get a fix with a delay of 
one dev integration. In __exceptional__ situations nothing prevent us from 
cherry-picking in the opposite direction.

(*) because of the issues described in the email, some LTS branches are 
already in the cherry-pick mode.
(**) with exception of branch specific changes.
(***) unless proven to be useful 

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