I tried PySide 2, and was extremely disappointed that not all the classes are 
supported. What's worse it PyQt supports the classes that are not supported. 
Having that kind of errata is devastating to the confidence in a project. 
Qt6/PySide6 must have parity from day 1.

Next, the biggest flaw is lack of Python 3 native event loop integration. A lot 
of people have codebases Python 3 event loops now, PySide should be seamless 
from day 1.

I also have to point out that there was a statement made by Lars to make QML 
[more] strongly typed. I had expected that from the beginning, that Python 
would be the scripting language of QML, not Javascript[0], just for this 
reason. Instead, V4 was developed... I would probably execute Qt6 QML as Python 
code, not Javascript. I've repeatedly called for QML to be a web framework, and 
I've routinely had that idea shot down. So why involve a web language at 
all[1][2]? Coincidentally, you will also get that AI stuff Lars also talked 
about, for free (on the Python side anyway)

Jupiter concerns me. I'm wondering how well we can get Qt to integrate with 
Jupiter notebooks? Can we get interactive Qt in the notebook? (WASM?)

Finally, I've used PyQt off and on since Qt 3.3 days. I really like Python as a 
language to use Qt in a rapid prototype development way, but the limitations 
stated above prevent it from being my default environment.

0. C++ devs went with loosely-typed Javascript? Really shocked me. 
1. Since Qt lagged many years in getting an ECMA Script 7 implementation, 
chasing this evolving standard might not be the best. 
2. Why maintain V4?

> Sent: Monday, August 19, 2019 at 8:39 AM
> From: "Cristián Maureira-Fredes" <cristian.maureira-fre...@qt.io>
> To: "development@qt-project.org" <development@qt-project.org>
> Subject: [Development] Technical vision for Qt for Python
> It will be really nice to know what do you think,
> because at the moment we have been mostly community driven,
> and many aspects from the C++ expertise on this mailing list
> will help us improving Qt for Python.
> https://blog.qt.io/blog/2019/08/19/technical-vision-qt-python/

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