On Tue, 18 Feb 2020 11:17:38 +0000
Edward Welbourne <edward.welbou...@qt.io> wrote:

> > - of the 6 times I can find of QProcess being derived from in Qt & Qt
> >   Creator, 5 are to override setupChildProcess anyway and the last one
> >   is in tst_QProcess
> Does anyone have sources from outside Qt project that are currently
> forced to derive from QProcess for the sake of this ?  If so, please try
> to work out how Thiago's change would affect you and give the rest of us
> a summary.

In qbs, we use it to call setpgid() with the id of the newly created process.
But I don't understand why that should matter at all: Whether we inject the 
code via an overriden virtual or a std::function is purely a question of 
implementation technique, is it not? How can there possibly be a functional 

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