
On 17/02/2020 10:13, Edward Welbourne wrote:
> Hi all,
> We currently have an "In Progress" state.  In practice when I work on an
> issue, I initially do the work, then put that up for review; the review
> phase takes up fragments of my time for a while, unlike the main work
> phase, which is closer to full-time.  I have more control over (and a
> better ability to estimate) how long the actual work takes, while review
> (and subsequent integration) depends on factors outside my control, that
> are harder to estimate.
> (Sometimes, under the present branching model, I also have to put work
> on hold until other work merges up for me to rebase it onto.  However,
> that complication shall go away soon, so I'll ignore it.)
> When my team is planning sprints, our scrum master wants to know what
> tasks I'll be working on, and what counts as "Done" for each of them.
> Having a separate state for "In Review", distinct from "In Progress",
> would let us distinguish the relatively plannable, and intense, part of
> the work from the part that (often happens in a later sprint, and)
> takes up a smaller proportion of my time but may take longer.

I have never worked in scrum, but what difference does it make there? 
The task is not done, as long as it is not in the done state. If the 
review takes to long, give people from your scrum team more time for 
review. If the major hassle is CI, we would need an "Integrating" state 
to see how bad our CI is. But in the end your task is not done. Isn't 
that what your scrum master (and other stakeholders) are interested in?

> So I'd like to modify our Jira work-flows to include a distinct "In
> Review" state for when I've completed the main work and am either
> waiting for review or responding to reviewers' comments.  Of course, if
> those comments prompt me to go back and start over, I'll also want to be
> able to go back to the "In Progress" state from it.
> Does anyone have any objection to this, or suggestions for a better way
> to handle the relevant work-flow transition ?  If not, I'm hoping Alex
> can work out how to implement what I want ...

I am afraid that this will just lead to more mails sent by JIRA. I do 
not see a clear benefit, as (as said before) the task is not done. Being 
in review and in integration does not need any new state, because it 
does not give useful additional information.

If I am bored and want to do reviews, I can just go to codereview and 
will find more than enough open patches that are waiting for reviews. 
There is no need to take a detour via JIRA for that.

All in all I am with Andre' here. It looks like this is just for the 
sake of following some process. If reviews and integrations take too 
long actions should be taken to fix that, but adding another JIRA task 
as a dumping ground will not help anyone.


>       Eddy.
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