On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 3:12 PM Lars Knoll <lars.kn...@qt.io> wrote:
> It’s been a while since Simon started this thread. I’m sure some people will 
> disagree, no matter what we do. But I’d like to conclude it, so we have one 
> solution for Qt 6.
> My focus is on reducing migration pain for our users and ourselves (we’ve got 
> more than enough things to finish…), as well as consistency in naming within 
> Qt.
> Here’s what we will do:
> * QList and QVector are aliases for each other
> * We make QList the main type, and QVector an alias to it
> * We keep both names, QList and QVector. None of them is deprecated
> * In Qt (code and documentation) we use QList for function arguments and 
> return types
> * QStringList is an alias to QList<QString>, ditto for QByteArrayList
> * We can extend/specialize QList for certain types through QListSpecialMethods
> Like that we can minimise changes in our public API between Qt 5 and Qt 6 (no 
> mass renaming from QList to QVector) and don’t have naming inconsistencies 
> with QStringList and QByteArrayList or how many of our functions are named.
> This is the pragmatic solution to avoid adding more pain to our users. And if 
> some of our users prefer using QVector as the name in their code, they can do 
> that without problems.
> I don’t think it’s a problem from an advertisement point of view neither (… 
> QList is bad, because …), as we can now simply say that we’ve fixed it for Qt 
> 6, and both QList and QVector can be used as the class name.
> And now I’ll get some Popcorn for the inevitable bike-shedding that’s going 
> to happen anyway :)
> Cheers,
> Lars
> On 23 Apr 2020, at 09:43, Simon Hausmann <simon.hausm...@qt.io> wrote:
> Hi,
> In dev we've had QVector being an alias for QList for a while now. For the 
> 6.0 release this particular topic (QList/QVector) suggests two goals (among 
> others):
>     (1) Use the same type throughout the public API of Qt.
>     (2) Make it easy for our users to maintain a code base that works with Qt 
> 5 and 6.
> In the light of those two goals, I think we should keep using QList as the 
> type in the public API. I don't think we should do a search and replace 
> activity and switch to QVector. In the light of that, I would like to propose 
> simply deprecating QVector and stick to QList everywhere.
> What do you think?

From a Qt usage perspective I'm really happy with this conclusion.
Deprecating either class was a massive change on our codebases (both
upstream Qt as well as KDE's as a Qt user and I assume every other
product that uses Qt).

Knowing that accepting a patch today that uses either will be good is
peace of mind.

It even resolves the QStringList change quite elegantly. :)

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