03.03.2021, 19:15, "Allan Sandfeld Jensen" <k...@carewolf.com>:
> On Mittwoch, 3. März 2021 09:32:33 CET Jason H wrote:
>>  I saw Lars's Qt6 talk on youtube, where he said Qt6 requires C++17. He also
>>  mentioned the new QFuture:: then() function... This is an improvement, but
>>  it makes Qt code look like Javascript in 2015.
>>  In C++20 there are async/await mechanisms. Ideally ask that then() code word
>>  be replacing by 'await'. Are there any plans to provide C++20 async/await
>>  interoperability with QFuture?
> They are only halfway there in C++20, AFAIK it is missing the standard library
> parts, which means it is not really usable for most people until C++23, so I
> assume we have time before anyone will actually have interaction between the
> two types of code.
> Unless I missed something?

What about [1] which requires only C++11?

[1] https://github.com/vmilea/CppAsync

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