On 9/1/22 17:37, Mark De Wit wrote:
This sounds like QPyBind11 to me?

Hey Mark,

Not really,
pybind11 is a binding generation system
like the one used for the Qt for Python
project, Shiboken.

The idea of PyBind11 (and Shiboken)
is to expose C++ API to Python users,
meaning that you end up writing a Python script
using modules that originate in C++.

The idea of this project,
as stated in the previous messages,
is to have Python code (as a string)
within your C++ code.

No binding is generated, no wrapper,
is just a usage of the Python interpreter
C-API within C++.




Dr. Cristián Maureira-Fredes
Senior R&D Manager

The Qt Company GmbH
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