
As part of the ongoing example revamping activity [1], we are also merging or 
removing some examples. Qt 6.4 shipped with close to 650 examples. That’s a lot 
of examples for users to navigate and grep through, and a lot of code for us to 
maintain and keep relevant.

Some of those were then conceptually outdated, e.g. showing how to keep the UI 
alive during some heavy I/O by calling processEvents, rather than by moving the 
I/O load into a thread, is not a good way of teaching Qt. Others involved a lot 
of boiler-plate code just to show how to use a very specific API in a few lines 
that could just as well have been in the documentation instead.

So, we have converted many examples into documentation snippets, or moved them 
to live on (for now) as manual tests.

If you know of any examples that teach less-than-good ways of using Qt or are 
generally irrelevant, and that should be retired, or merged with other 
examples, please suggest a change, or add a sub-task ticket to 
https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-108751 - we still try to get as much as 
possible of that cleanup done for Qt 6.5.


[1] https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2023-February/043602.html

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