On Tuesday, 2 May 2023 23:01:57 PDT Maurice Kalinowski via Development wrote:
> We even have customers who are not able to upgrade to C++17 yet due to
> supply chain issues.

Hello Maurice

Can you provide more details on what the difficulties are and when relief 
be expected for this?

When you say "supply chain issues" for C++17, I am thinking that those 
customers are buying compilers in a DVD in a box and that is stuck in a 
container still sailing from China. That obviously can't be the case.

My proposal was that C++20 wouldn't be required until March 2024 for non-LTS 
users. The first of your LTS to require it would be the one from October 2024, 
and it wouldn't become the oldest LTS until 3 years after 6.5 (March 2026).

Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Cloud Software Architect - Intel DCAI Cloud Engineering

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