On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Nicolas Hernandez <
nicolas.hernan...@aleph-networks.com> wrote:

> In our side the priority are like that a>b>d>c (+eclipse plugin)
> Four some freenet devs it loks like c>d>a>b (+velocity for templating)

Unless those freenet devs are willing to build the GUI themselves, I
recommend that you do not allow them to prevent you from proceeding.
 Someone willing to make things happen should not be prevented from doing
so by someone with an opinion, but who isn't willing to do the work.

Not so easy to make the good choice. We have three mains ideas
> A- using Apache Wickets http://wicket.apache.org/

I've used this before (back in 2007), and it's creator, Jonathan Locke, is
a friend of mine.  It does degrade nicely if there is no JavaScript, but
does have a significant learning curve.

> B- gwt

I have only played with GWT, but I like the idea of it, I like the fact
that Google is behind it, and my wife has used it on a project and she said
that she'd be very happy to use it again.

> C- struts+extjs

I know very little about this.

> We hope to have freenet devs ideas on it before starting anything :-)

Yes, but please don't let one stubborn person prevent you from making
progress.  The opinion that really matters is the opinion of the person
that is willing to do the work.  You should consider their opinions, but
don't let them block progress.  All other opinions are secondary (including
mine!), your opinion is what really matters if you are willing to do the
actual work.


Ian Clarke
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