On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 10:10 AM, Matthew Toseland
<toad at amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
>> > We want to make it easy, or nobody will do it. Poring over your trust list 
>> > day after day is not most people's idea of fun.
>> >
>> > There are three approaches, given positive trust only. Depending on the 
>> > level of effort exerted by the spammer, we move from one tradeoff between 
>> > spam resistance and censorship resistance to the next. IMHO the last stage 
>> > involves significant risk of censorship or at least collateral damage, 
>> > while obviously having the strongest spam resistance.
>> >
>> > The first approach is to mark spammers as spammers, and limit the capacity 
>> > of trusted identities to create new spammers by for example limits on the 
>> > number of identities that can change in a trust list in one day. This 
>> > means that everyone will have to mark all the spam identities as spam, 
>> > much as in Frost with the Alice bot. It will deter newbies, but it should 
>> > be usable for the determined. Note that it is *essential* on a positive 
>> > trust only network that our spam markings override others' positive trust 
>> > levels.
>> >
>> > The second approach is when we mark an identity as spam, WoT realises that 
>> > an identity trusting that spammer also trusts a lot of other spammers, and 
>> > proposes that we mark the parent identity as a spammer, at least for 
>> > purposes of trust list trust. Hopefully this will be enough. The cost for 
>> > every user will be to mark a few spammer posts as spam, and then accept 
>> > WoT's recommendation to mark the parent as spammer. "A few" will be an 
>> > arbitrary parameter that will have to be argued about, higher means less 
>> > chance of marking non-spammers as spammers, but at the cost of seeing more 
>> > spam.
>> >
>> > The third approach is that when we mark the parent identity as spam, WoT 
>> > suggests marking those who trust the parent identity also as spammers for 
>> > purposes of trust list trust (if we trust them; if we don't, it's not our 
>> > problem; we are trying to optimise the network *for other people*, 
>> > particularly for newbies, here). We can try to be polite about this using 
>> > ultimatums, since it's likely that they didn't deliberately choose to 
>> > trust the spam-parent knowing he is a spam-parent - but if they don't 
>> > respond in some period by removing him from their trust list, we will have 
>> > to reduce our trust in them. This will cause collateral damage and may be 
>> > abused for censorship which might be even more dangerous than the current 
>> > problems on FMS. However, if there is a LOT of spam, or if we want the 
>> > network to be fairly spam-free for newbies, the first two options are 
>> > insufficient. :|
>> I'm not certain you're correct about this. ?The first two methods are,
>> imho, sufficient to limit spam to levels that are annoying, but where
>> the network is still usable. ?Even if they download a bunch of
>> messages, a new user only has to click the "spam" button once per
>> spamming identity, and those are limited in a well defined manner
>> (linear with modest coefficient with the number of dummy identities
>> the spammer is willing to maintain).
>> My suspicion is that if all they can aspire to be is a nuisance, the
>> spammers won't be nearly as interested. ?There is much more appeal to
>> being able to DoS a board or the whole network than being able to
>> mildly annoy the users. ?So if we limit the amount of damage they can
>> do to a sane level, the actual amount of damage done will be
>> noticeably less than that limit.
> Can we agree that we should implement the second option in WoT then?

Yes, though I think it should default to only alerting the user in the
case of relatively obvious abuse.  As part of that I think it should
give the identity in question a modest grace period to correct its
trust list (if trust lists are published daily, 2 days seems
appropriate).  Given the churn rate limits, I don't think that's an

>> There is another possible optimization we could do (I've just thought
>> of it, and I'm not entirely certain that it works or that I like it).
>> Suppose that Alice trusts Bob trusts Carol (legitimate but confused)
>> trusts Sam (a spammer), and Alice is busy computing her trust list.
>> Bob has (correctly) marked Sam as a spammer. ?In the basic
>> implementation, Alice will accept Sam. ?Bob may think that Carol is
>> normally correct (and not malicious), and be unwilling to zero out his
>> trust list trust for her. ?However, since this is a flow computation,
>> we can place an added restriction: when Alice calculates trust, flow
>> passing through Bob may not arrive at Sam even if there are
>> intermediate nodes. ?If Alice can find an alternate route for flow to
>> go from Alice to Carol or Sam, she will accept Sam.
>> This modification is in some ways a negative trust feature, since
>> Bob's marking of Sam as a spammer is different from silence. ?However,
>> it doesn't let Bob censor anyone he couldn't censor by removing Carol
>> from his trust list. ?Under no circumstances will Alice using Bob's
>> trust list result in fewer people being accepted than not using Bob's
>> trust list. ?It does mean that Bob, as a member of the evil cabal of
>> default trust list members for newbies, can (with the unanimous help
>> of the cabal) censor identities in a more subtle fashion than simply
>> not trusting anyone.
>> The caveats: this is a big enough change that it needs a close
>> re-examination of the security proof (I'm pretty sure it's still
>> valid, but I'm not certain). ?If it sounds like an interesting idea, I
>> can do that. ?Also, I don't think it's compatible with Ford-Fulkerson
>> or the other simple flow capacity algorithms. ?The changes required
>> might be non-trivial, possibly to the point of changing the running
>> time. ?Again, I could look at this in detail if it's interesting
>> enough to warrant it.
> Worth investigating IMHO.

OK, I'll examine it further.

Evan Daniel

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