On Thursday 03 Nov 2011 18:35:19 David ?Bombe? Roden wrote:
> Hey, everybody.
> You all know that toad is currently very busy with his university study and 
> that he has very little time to take care of Freenet. Meanwhile, people are 
> still submitting pull requests on GitHub and patches on FMS (and probably 
> Freetalk, too).
> The combination of these two facts results in Freenet not being updated at 
> all 
> for weeks.
> The inability of anybody else than toad to create a new release is very 
> inconvenient as it causes complete stagnation (which results in loss of users 
> which results in loss of developers which results in the end of the world as 
> we know it, probably).
> I think we need more people that are able to create new releases and include 
> minor changes, e.g. to CSS themes, plugin functionality, and general 
> maintenance.
> As I don?t know anything about how releases are created at the moment I can 
> not say how complicated it would be to allow different persons to access the 
> build environment for the official releases, or whether toad builds them on 
> his 
> own machine and how that could be reliable replicated on somebody else?s 
> machine. Somebody with more facts than me (toad? :) could step in here and 
> say 
> a few words about the current situation.
> I don?t have anything more to say at this moment, I just wanted to dump my 
> thoughts on the current situation, requesting comments.

The other side of this is not having lots of builds close together improves 
stability and therefore performance.

And yes, builds are generated locally, so that they can have a meaningful 
signature. It would be possible to move the scripts involved though.
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