Am Freitag, 17. Februar 2012, 00:09:21 schrieb Matthew Toseland:
> What actually happens is it looks up the index for both of the identities,
> and intersects them. Technically this is O(n) but it is only really slow
> when one of them (the in-set for an identity and the out-set for another
> identity) is huge.

This might actually just be the problem: If I change trust for an identity 
which gave many trust ratings, WoT is much slower than in the general case (or 
with new IDs). 

And the number of trust rating rises with the age of the IDs. My ID has 
several hundred trust ratings.

Best wishes,
1w6 sie zu achten,
sie alle zu finden,
in Spiele zu leiten
und sacht zu verbinden.

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