On Wednesday 07 Mar 2012 20:09:51 Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Thomas Sachau <tommy at gentoo.org> wrote:
> > One reason to not use pre-compiled stuff is, that you can patch or
> > adjust the code before you compile it. In addition, only those patches
> > have a chance to go upstream, probably noone will accept a patch against
> > the generated javascript code.
> How likely is that in practice?  In the entire history of Freenet has any
> third party felt the need to patch it?  

There have been a number of patches. The max-peers patch for example is very 
popular. There were various others in the past.

> This seems like an extreme
> edge-case to me, and that it shouldn't dictate key architectural decisions.
> > Since it is Gentoo policy to give the user this choice and ability,
> > shipping the precompiled code is not really an option.
> Then perhaps the real problem here is Gentoo's policy?  In any case, I
> don't think Gentoo's policy should tie our hands one way or another - our
> policy is that we need a decent user interface :-)

Gentoo's policy is exactly the same as Debian's policy AFAIK and there are good 
reasons for it. However, this does not prevent us providing our own packages. 
Having an official gentoo package is a debatable point, it certainly is of some 
value (it isn't possible for other distros and many people who may be 
interested in freenet do run gentoo), but it's not THAT many potential users.
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